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7/14/23 Friday Flash

Writer's picture: Cristina GloverCristina Glover

Hamburg United Methodist Church

116 Union St

Hamburg, New York, 14075

(716) 649-8080

Worship Sundays at 10 am


Once again, we are looking forward to having a fun and successful HUMANGO fundraising event on Sunday, August 20, 2023. Your participation and donations will help make this a success.

We appreciate any donation that you can make. We are looking for completed theme baskets, gift certificates to restaurants or stores, individual items to put in baskets, and empty baskets to use. Completed baskets with shrink wrap and bows are greatly appreciated, but we can complete it with the clear bag and bow if you cannot. Please label your basket with the group or individual’s name that is donating. We would like to make sure that donors are recognized on the dinner placemat at the HUMANGO event at Byrncliff Golf Resort.

All baskets and gift certificates need to be left at the church by July 31 or given to Pat Adema (716) 206-4687 or Sue Gagne (716) 200-8996.

Completed baskets, labeled with the donor’s name and “For HUMANGO,” can be left on the labeled shelf or in the labeled box in the coat room.

Completed baskets will be on display on Sunday, August 13. Tickets will be available this one Sunday for you to purchase. Thank you very much for your donations and support.

Pat Adema and the HUMANGO Committee


Zoom Rooms!

Zoom is now available in the Parlor and Library to add video conferencing to in-person meetings. No additional equipment is needed!

This is also a great option for attending training and webinars as a group.

Zoom is available for booking through the Church office when reserving the Library or Parlor.

If you need training, Please contact the church office to schedule.


Our little pantry at Sparks of Hope is nearly empty, and our shelves are bare. Members of our recovery community rely on your generosity to see them through the hard times. Please drop off nonperishable groceries when Sparks is open, or leave them inside the pantry.



The Church office is glad to announce that services going forward will be streamed via YouTube Live, in addition to the current Facebook Live services. You can access the Youtube live stream on our Youtube Channel, or directly on our church website homepage.

Please make sure to "Like" and "Subscribe"


Coffee Hour Schedule

JULY- Trustees

AUGUST- Sarah Circle

Groups are to provide goodies/ snacks

each Sunday of the month they are scheduled.

Please get in touch with Sue Gagne or Joyce Spencer with any questions.


Order of Worship

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Google Meet Dial-In: 617-675-4444 PIN: 301 463 603 6721#

ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP God scatters the seeds of reconciliation and love, and waits….

So much of it lands on flat pathways or rocky roads and won’t take root….

God scatters the seeds of healing and hope, and waits….

Shallowness and fear claim the seeds and they cannot live.

God scatters the seeds of redemption and peace, and waits….

These are the places of deep growth where the seed will cast down strong roots.

Welcome this day to a seed-scattering station!

May our hearts be the rich soil in which God’s love takes root.


Thank you, Creator of the universe, for the people gathering around us today. We give thanks for the things of the earth that gives us the means of life. Thank you for the plants, animals, and birds that we use as food and medicine. Thank you for the natural world, in which we find the means to be clothed and housed. Thank you, Lord, for the ability to use these gifts of the natural world. Help us to see our place among these gifts, not to squander them or think of them as means for selfish gain. May we respect the life of all you have made. May our spirits be strengthened by using only what we need, and may we use our strength to help those who need us. Amen SCRIPTURE: Psalm 119:105-112 Read by Cheryl Bell Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23




DOXOLOGY “Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow” #94 UMH


The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

...And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven

we praise your name and join their unending hymn:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

...And so, in remembrance of these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ,

we offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving

as a holy and living sacrifice, in union with Christ's offering for us,

as we proclaim the mystery of faith.

Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.

...Through your Son Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit in your holy Church,

all honor and glory is yours, almighty Father (God ), now and for ever. Amen.



CLOSING HYMN: “Step by Step” #3004 Worship & Song


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