Dear Saints,
Christmas comes, Jesus was born, and we celebrate God With Us. Christmas Eve is always a special, sacred time for so many of us. In Hebrew time, the day starts at sundown, so we begin to celebrate with the new day--He is Born! But this year, most of us will do that with smaller numbers, gathered in our living rooms and kitchens, riding out a blizzard followed by more snow.
We will not gather for our scheduled 7:00 PM service, and instead, we will revisit last year and the year before! At 6:55 PM the 2021 Hamburg UMC service will premier on Facebook, and at 10:00 PM our 2020 Lessons and Carols will premier. Of course, you can search the page and watch them any time, but at these times we will all be invited to share together. On Sunday morning, while we will not gather in the Sanctuary, either in Hamburg or Versailles, we will have a live service at 10:00 AM, as long as power and internet remain. We were planning pajama friendly worship for Christmas Day, but this will take that to a new level.
Our Christmas Eve service from Hamburg will be postponed until 10:00 AM on January 8th -- we will stretch the season and celebrate God With Us!
I pray you have a Merry and Safe Christmas!
Pastor David Nicol
Last year's service can be accessed here: